Friday, Feb 21, 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST
The CSPN Clinical Spotlight Cancer Rehab Series is cohosted by APTA-Oncology and presents an overview of fundamental knowledge that all cancer providers and staff need to assess and appropriately refer patients for therapy services. This series is being hosted by Morgan Zaranec, PT, DPT, CLT.
Session Details
Following treatment for prostate, anal, colon, and other cancers involving the pelvis and abdomen, men require additional considerations and care to ensure optimal pelvic health. The pelvic floor muscles envelope and support the bladder and rectum, and are pertinent to urinary and fecal continence, and sexual health. This discussion will cover common forms of cancer that affect the pelvic floor, and the role of pelvic physical therapy in helping patients thrive in survivorship.
Meet Your Presenter
Dr. Amanda Olson is a pelvic health physical therapist, entrepreneur, author, and global educator with a passion for empowering men and women and advancing conversations around pelvic health. She has dedicated her career to breaking stigmas around pelvic health, supporting patients with conditions including cancer, incontinence, pelvic pain, cancer, pelvic organ prolapse, endometriosis, and MRKH, and developing innovative solutions to improve quality of life.
Amanda is the president of Intimate Rose, a successful pelvic health device company that includes tools for managing pelvic pain, holds multiple patents, and has authored three peer-reviewed journal articles as well as the book Restoring the Pelvic Floor for Women. She has collaborated with clinics worldwide, transforming lives through her tools, teaching and consulting. As an advocate for patients with sensitive issues, and medical innovation, Amanda is committed to bridging the gap in pelvic and women’s healthcare and bringing education to underserved patient populations.
Website: www.Intimaterosecom;
Instagram: @aolsondpt; @intimaterose
Substack: @pelvichealthmedia (Dr. Amanda Olson DPT PRPC)
X: @Amandaolsondpt