Join the CSPN

Expand your network, build relationships & develop your practice.

Did we mention that membership is free?

Cancer Survivorship Provider Network membership connects you with a community of caring, dedicated, and driven survivorship providers. We welcome professionals in all fields of Cancer Survivorship, including physicians, advanced practice providers, researchers, nurses, social workers, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, administrators, support and retreat program leaders, and more. Membership offers benefits that will empower you to provide comprehensive, equitable, high-quality cancer survivorship care.

Benefits of Membership

  • Monthly education calls are only available to members, and can be accessed through our online community in Circle.
  • Each month a new speaker, or panel of speakers, provides up-to-date information on a wide range of topics. Topics for these education are chosen through discussions with members about their needs and interests.
  • Members gain access to a resource database built by and for members that includes community resources, regional resources, and national resources that can be used in practice with patients, as well as updates on cancer survivorship education opportunities from all over the country.
  • Learn about and discuss the latest research findings. Discover opportunities to participate in others’ research and create research initiatives of your own.